Welcome to the spiritual journey where you will be getting an insightful knowledge of the connection between chakras and the panchtatva(5 elements.)
Chakras are the doorways to the higher self. They do not exist in physical form and are the psychic centres of the body. They do not exist as matter but are present in our body and makes a connecting link between visible and invisible world.
one can connect with their astral power via chakras.
Just like physical body has centre called plexus wherever the nerves of various systems in the body are interlacing so are the chakras in the the spiritual body.
Their are main seven chakras namely :
1- Crown chakra (Sahasara)
2- Third Eye (Ajna)
3- Throat chakra (Vishudhi)
4- Heart chakra (Anahata)
5- Solar plexus chakra (Manipura)
6- Sacral chakra (Swadishthana)
7- Root Chakra ( Muladhara)
All the functions of the body are governed by the five great elements(panchmahabhut) .
Out of the seven chakras first two are beyond the control of the elements as they are the higher chakra (crown chakra & third eye) crown chakra deals with soul and soul is out of the bound area of five elements (panchtatava) but it is affected only after it has taken body as it's vessel where desires takes its shape through panchtatva.
As for third eye it controls the lower chakras and all those who are on the path of spiritual upliftment, this chakra can help open the third eye which has the power to connect beyond earthly/physical restrictions.
Starting from 3rd chakra all of them are under the control of panch tatava(5 elements)
moving from 3rd chakra ie. throat chakra downward is the journey of getting entangled in more and more worldly or earthly affairs filled with desires/insecurity and all of them are under the control of bhuta, the elements .
Whosoever wants to rise high and wants to change the spiritual awareness and uplift the soul they must balance and purify the elements and chakras.
Before elaborating more on this topic let's first understand the elements of chakras and which planet that element is associated with.we have already discussed relations of planets and elements in our previous blog
2-THIRD EYE | None |
3-THROAT CHAKRA | Aakash/space/ether |
4-HEART CHAKRA | Air (vayu) |
5-SOLAR PLEXUS | Fire (agni) |
6-SACRAL CHAKRA | Water (Apas) |
7-ROOT CHAKRA | Earth (Prithvi) |
We can say that the 5 chakras (heart-root)are the 5 doorways to our spiritual heart and these doorways are guarded by the 5 elements that controls these chakras.
The 5 elements becomes the blockadge on the way to our spiritual heart as we get entangled more in our worldy desires and this is done throught the sense organs associated with these 5 elements (eye,ear,speech,mind and breath.
The doorways that we need to open is in our substle mind and we need to remove the blocks in their way by purifying and balancing our chakra and this can be achieved via our conscious efforts (using 5 elements /sense organs balancing)
As we learn how to operate these chakra in our body our physical body become more in balance with astral body thereby giving us a path to uplift our soul.
lets get some incense of how chakra element and planets corelates :
1- Aakash-space-ether
Ruler :Jupiter
Associated chakra : throat /vishuddhi
Vishuddhi chakra has the ability to purify the poison, Lord Shiva holds the poison that errupted from ocean churning in his throat to save the world .
Aakash element protects the world from the negativity of other elements and akash relates to sound hence it affects our speech the ear and mouth.
So if we chooses to hear only good and speak only good then automatically the purification process will start within us and this way our aura will become very prominent and purified.
People with prominent aakash element will have good / sweet voice and people will feel peace once they speek.
Because jupiter means wisdom/protector/blessings, well placed jupiter in birth chart will make person intuitive, will have wisdom and will try to protect people in need.
If we cleanse and balance our throat chakra then automatically our space element will prove thereby improving jupiter energy in our life and hence the quality of our personality.
2- Air/Vayua
Ruler : saturn , Rahu
Associated chakra : Heart /Anhata
Saturn means detachment from material world and tries to teach the difference between illusionary love(emotional/physical) and true love(spiritual ) If the heart chakra is balanced and purifies it will make person understand that love is not selfish but selfless.Our heart should try to understand that everything created by God is lovable and real love is to love someone for what they are.
Air element if disturbed can be dangerous..too much air creats agression and strom within us and hence emotional imbalance ,if uncontrolled can become a destructive force.
If air element is disturbed then it can bring stress,depression,worries due to emotional imbalance .If air element rises in our body then it will be disturbing saturn and hence imbalancing heart chakra, person will get emotionally imbalanced and will take wrong decision in life that will create misery,poverty and invite disease for physical body.
Air means movement so we must restrict our physical and emotional movement to live a more meaningful life. Balancing our Heart chakra will help us to balance air element within us.
3- Fire/Agni
Ruler : Mars / sun
Associated Chakra : Solar plexus / Manipura
Agni is heat /fire in our body and personality. Too much of fire can burn but controled fire gives perfect light. Our digestive system needs balanced fire for digestion and hence good metabolism which in return will make sure that other body organs gets proper food (in the form of energy & and essential constituents ) required for their functioning.Weak Sun and Mars will block the fire element and will give poor metabolism and weight problem can be created, weak digestive system will diminish the overall energy and health of the body.
People with evolved fire element shine like gold ,their aura is well evolved and they attain lot of success in life as they have the quality to choose the right path. This is because sense associated is vision and eyes are the sense organ and work organ are foot/legs. eyes helps to walk as they show the direction without vision moving is difficult.
people with disturbed fire element become over bearing and they are difficult to handle.
Controlling the fire can be done by purifying and balancing the solar plexus. Balanced solar plexus aqnd balanced Fire element will work on our desires .It will tell the difference between what and how much to desire and will keep away from lust and greed rather will teach us the how and from where to fulfil our desire and thats the key to a successful life.
4- Water/Apas
Ruler : Venus , Moon
Associated chakra : Sacral/ Swadishthaan
Water element is very important as our body is almost 85% water. Emotions and food (moon) play vital role in our life and also our sexual relationships (Venus)
An emotionally balanced person will lead a better life than with emotionally disturbed.Happiness is so much associated with the way we feel. Jealousy, envy, too much sexual relationships, poor food consumption will disturb our emotions /water element / sacral chakra and will create emotional instability .
Evolved water element or people with purified and balanced sacral chakra will be very creative ,loving, polite, caring, soft, happy and learned. Their aura will also be very evolved.
Waxing and wanning moon in the chart will effect your water element. With Moon in scorpio or Venus in virgo (debilitated ) the water element within us will be out of balance.
If Moon/Venus are weak in birth chart then one should try to purify and balance sacral chakra and also should take great care of what they eat otherwise no matter how rich and successful you are but this disturbed water element will make you emotionally unstable and will might land up in sadness and will be unhappy from within , chances are their that they can become a bitter person filled with envy / jealously & possessiveness .
5- Earth
Ruler /; Mercury
Associated chakra : root/muladhar
Earth/prithvi tatav has its own importance as it is earth thats holds all living and non livings . This element is about stability and practical approach.
Mercury ,the ruler of earth element if weak in birth chart can create a feeling of insecurities in you and can hamper your intelligence.
An insecured mind is not strong enough to deal with practical challenges of life.
Earth element is associated with smell ie. the nose as sense organ and working organ as anus. Bad digestion or constipation will produce bad smell.
Evolved earth element will produce naturally a good smell from the body such that you will not even feel the need to use perfumes. Good mercury will provide good intellectual abilities in you thereby giving you a feeling of stability in life as intellegent brain is never filled with insecurities rather it knows that whatsoever challenge will come it is ready to handle it.
Mercury in Pices ,an earth element in water element will create dampness. Mercury is therefore uncomfortable in water sign of pices.
Purifying and balancing root chakra will help you balance the earth element and will help you get rid of the insecurities and will make your approach more practical and you will feel more stable in life.
There is so much that can be known and written when it comes to elements and chakras This is just the beginning let us hope to explore more in dept in upcoming articles.
With lots of thanks and blessings
Vimleshwari Singh